Do you plan to purchase a new mattress within the next few weeks? You should be able to dispose of your old mattress in a responsible and scientific manner, so you don’t leave a lot of carbon footprint.
Over time, all mattresses deteriorate. They no longer provide the same level of comfort as they used to. Even those made specifically for back problems sufferers will eventually lose their effectiveness. People in the United States and around the globe might just replace their mattress with a newer one because it feels better.
There are many ways to dispose of old mattresses.
This post lists some of them.
Here are some tips to help you get rid of your old mattresses
These are some simple ideas that you can follow.
1. It’s best to throw it away
This is the most common solution. You can just get rid of the mattress if you notice it is past its expiry date.
There are some things that you should remember, especially if your home is in Spring Hill or the surrounding area of Florida.
Florida laws forbid simply tossing out a mattress. These laws are discussed in the next section. However, you will need to rent a dumpster in Spring Hill FL because these heavy items are prohibited.
How can you get rid your worn-out and old mattress?
After the warranty expires, almost all mattresses come with a manufacturer’s warranty. This warranty usually lasts between 5-10 years. Check the warranty documents. You can dispose of the warranty papers if it is not valid anymore. Otherwise, the Environmental Protection Agency of Florida might fine you.
If the warranty is still valid you can contact the manufacturer to get more information about their policies regarding how to dispose old mattresses.
If it conforms to the state’s recycling policies: Florida, like all 50 States has its own recycling laws. Some states even encourage or aid used mattress recycling. Once you have enough information about the Florida plans, you can begin to think about how to dispose of your used mattresses.
2. Donate the mattress
This is a socially acceptable and progressive way to make room for your new mattress. You cannot, however, donate trash. You should ensure that your mattress is free of stains and odors before you call a local charity or social welfare center. Also, make sure there are no holes or tears in the mattress.
Donations are a great exercise in charity. Before you call a Spring Hill FL dumpster rental company to remove the mattress, it is recommended that you vacuum it thoroughly.
3. Professional recycling is an option
As we have already mentioned, throwing away mattresses that aren’t being recycled is a very bad habit. This is the best way to dispose of your old mattresses if you don’t have any other options. It is also beneficial for the environment in many ways.
Did you know that every year, over 20 million mattresses are recycled in the United States. These units are also roughly 30-40 cubic feet in size.
Unfortunately, the majority of this “recycled material” is disposed in landfills around the country. This does not help the environment.
You can also call a professional recycling company provider. You will also find one in Spring Hill. There are many such agencies across Florida.
These agencies adopt a more scientific approach. Every part that is usable is removed, particularly the metal ones. These parts are used in other industries, and some of them are used to make new mattresses.
This article was written by a hauling service professional. At Par Hauling Solutions located in the heart of Largo, we are a full-service hauling and dump trailer rental company that can haul just about anything in the Bay Area. Our professionals have over 10 years of experience and can provide dumpster rental in Tarpon Springs FL for large-scale construction and renovation projects as well as smaller dumpsters for residents.