SAN FRANCISCO—Saying this was by far the best option given their financial situation, San Francisco real estate agent Harry Evans reportedly showed a couple earning a sub-six-figure salary Wednesday around the neighborhood’s best tent city. “So we obviously have a lovely view here of the park, great flap to this tent—zipper’s broken, but that’ll be fixed before you move in,” said Evans, expressing his opinion that based on the couple’s single-salary household, there was little chance of affording anything showier unless they were willing to compromise on a cramped dumpster in the Tenderloin District. “I’m happy to show you some places out in San Pablo, if you’re looking for a bigger tent. But you can’t beat the natural sunlight coming through the holes in the rain fly. What do you think?” At press time, Evans told the couple that if either of them ever sold a tech startup, he could show them some camper vans parked in the Castro that would really blow them away.