This Small Town Is a Gem in New York’s Finger Lakes — and It Was Just Named One of the Most Affordable Places to Buy a House in the US

Proximity to ski resorts, golf courses, lakes, and real estate that’s a third of the national median draws people to this quaint New York town.

<p>Courtesy of Experience Cortland</p>

Courtesy of Experience Cortland

With the average home value reaching $436,800 in the first quarter

San Francisco Realtor Shows Couple Earning Under 6-Figure Salary Around Neighborhood’s Best Tent City

Image for article titled San Francisco Realtor Shows Couple Earning Under 6-Figure Salary Around Neighborhood’s Best Tent City

SAN FRANCISCO—Saying this was by far the best option given their financial situation, San Francisco real estate agent Harry Evans reportedly showed a couple earning a sub-six-figure salary Wednesday around the neighborhood’s best tent city. “So we obviously have a

Existing-Home Sales

The Existing-Home Sales data measures sales and prices of existing single-family homes for the nation overall, and gives breakdowns for the West, Midwest, South, and Northeast regions of the country. These figures include condos and co-ops, in addition to single-family